python Package Release Procedures

release to github

  • before updating version

    • update readme file

  • check if update to needed (for new scripts - 3 places)

  • freeze requirements

pip freeze > requirements.txt

or using powershell

pip freeze | out-file .\requirements.txt -encoding ascii
  • commit requirements.txt before the following

git add requirements.txt
git commit -m 'package requirements update'
  • update

<package>\ install
  • commit change “version x.y.z”

git add <package>/
git commit -m 'version x.y.z'
git checkout master
git merge <branchname>
  • sync master to github (git push)

  • in branch shell

git tag x.y.z -m 'version x.y.z'
git push --tags
  • create documentation

git log --oneline 2.0.10..2.0.11 [lastrelease..thisrelease]
  • create documentation (con’d)

    • on github

      • click <> code

      • click releases

      • click Draft a new release button

      • reformat output from git log above, into release notes

  • If branch, delete remote and local versions [best if you wait to do this until after deploy, if a branch was deployed earlier]

-  git push origin --delete <branchname> # delete remote
-  git branch -d <branchname> # delete local

sync your fork

If you have a fork of the upstream repo, you’ll need to sync that fork periodically.

  • see

  • using PyCharm

    • checkout master [if not already checked out – see lower right of PyCharm project view]

    • VCS > Git > Rebase my GitHub fork > upstream [you’ll need to log in to github the first time you do this]

      • if there are merge conflicts, decide on whether to accept yours, accept theirs, or merge

    • VCS > Git > Merge Changes… > remotes/upstream/master [merges upstream/master into local master branch]

    • VCS > Git > Push… [pushes local master branch to fork (origin)]

release to PyPi

test release with editable install

To test with another package which may be changing

pip uninstall <package>
pip install -e "C:\Users\lking\Documents\Lou's Software\projects\loutilities\loutilities"

create .pypirc

in C:Users<username> create .pypirc file


    username = __token__
    password = <api token from>


python -m build
twine upload dist/<package>-<version>*.*

alternately create a task in tasks.json

    "tasks": [
        "label": "push to pypi",
        "type": "shell",
        "command":"venv/scripts/activate; python -m build; twine upload dist/<package>-${input:packageVersion}.tar.* dist/loutilities-${input:packageVersion}-*.*",
        "problemMatcher": []

"inputs": [
        "id": "packageVersion",
        "type": "promptString",
        "description": "Enter version string",

and use ctrl-p task push to pypi to push the task

  • then force install

pip install --force-reinstall <package>

Initial deploy to server

Log into server sudo account

Create server directory structure and virtual environment

### upload webapp files to target host
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/www.<vhost>/<repo-name>
cd /var/www/www.<vhost>/<repo-name>
sudo git clone<repo-name>
cd /var/www/www.<vhost>
sudo chown -R <vhostuser>:<vhostuser> <repo-name>
sudo mkdir /var/www/www.<vhost>/applogs
sudo chown -R <vhostuser>:<vhostuser> /var/www/www.<vhost>/applogs
sudo mkdir /var/www/www.<vhost>/<repo-name>/<repo-name>/config
sudo chown -R <vhostuser>:<vhostuser> /var/www/www.<vhost>/<repo-name>/<repo-name>/config

### Create python virtual environment
cd /var/www/www.<vhost>
sudo mkdir venv
sudo chown -R <vhostuser>:<vhostuser> venv
sudo su <vhostuser>
(<vhostuser>> python3 -m venv venv
(<vhostuser>) exit
# see,
# since venv wasn't created from virtualenv, is missing
# needs to be present for wsgi application to work
sudo cp /home/lking/activate-this/ venv/bin
sudo chown -R <vhostuser>:apache venv/bin/
sudo su <vhostuser>
(<vhostuser>) source venv/bin/activate
(<vhostuser>) pip install --upgrade pip
(<vhostuser>) cd /var/www/www.<vhost>/<repo-name>/<repo-name>
(<vhostuser>) pip install -r requirements.txt

Create databases

Create javascript libraries

sudo mkdir /var/www/<vhost>/libs
sudo chown <vhostuser>:<vhostuser> /var/www/<vhost>/libs
  • copy from development static/js to /var/www/<vhost>/libs/js

Ongoing Development

target hosts are

  • www.<slug>

  • sandbox.<slug>



is like routes, contracts, scores, etc


scores targets are initially,,


before releasing to production, test using ASSETS_DEBUG: False

for official releases use fab


may need to copy/adjust fabric.json from another project

fab -H <target-host> deploy


fab -H <target1>,<target2> deploy

then on target system

sudo systemctl restart vhost-membertility-www.service #for example

if you need to check out a particular branch. Note <branch> can be a tag, e.g., to downgrade

fab -H <target-host> deploy --branchname=<branch>

for testing use winscp to load patch files, only to sandbox and possibly beta

  • after testing the patch be sure to git checkout the original file, then use fab for clean upgrade

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